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Gene family cluster Phylogeny tree construct Divergence time estimation
Expansion and contraction of gene families 4dtv distance distribution calculation Ks distribution calculation

This part are some genome analysis, include Gene family cluster, Phylogeny tree construct, Divergence time estimation, Expansion and contraction of gene families, 4dtv distance distribution calculation and Ks distribution calculation

Gene family cluster

Using Treefam’s mcnes of other species were obtained from NCBI. We chose the transcripts with longest coding sequence to represent each gene. In summary, we first performed all-against-all comparison of all proteins using BLASTP with a cutoff of E-value < 1e-5 to both genes. OrthoMCL package (Version 1.4) was used to process high-scoring segment pairs (HSPs). MCL software in OrthoMCL was used to define final paralogous and orthologous genes with the parameter of “-abc – I=1 .5”.

Figure: Orthology cluster compositions of Anas platyrhynchos, Gallus gallus, Meleagris gallopavo, Taeniopygia guttata, Ficedula albicollis and Numida meleagris.

Figure:Venn diagram showing the number of unique and shared gene families among Anas platyrhynchos, Gallus gallus, Meleagris gallopavo, Ficedula albicollis and Numida meleagris.
Family stat
SpeciesGenes numberGenes in familiesUnclustered genesFamily numberUnique families Average genes per family
Anas platyrhynchos 15,722 15,002 720 11,716 90 1.28
Ficedula albicollis 15,381 14,499 882 11,873 44 1.22
Gallus gallus 18,330 16,817 1,513 12,390 157 1.36
Meleagris gallopavo 18,454 15,779 2,675 12,400 73 1.27
Numida meleagris 15,173 13,648 1,525 11,429 34 1.19
Taeniopygia guttata 16,307 14,270 2,037 11,140 36 1.28

Phylogeny tree construct

Comparative analysis of molecular sequence data is essential for reconstructing the evolutionary histories of species and inferring the nature and extent of selective forces shaping the evolution of genes and species. Hence, based on the most conserved single-copy orthologs, the phylogenic tree were reconstructed via Bayesian inference method.

Figure:Phylogenetic tree based on Bayesian inference analyses of a concatenated alignment of single-copy genes from Anas platyrhynchos, Gallus gallus, Meleagris gallopavo, Taeniopygia guttata, Ficedula albicollis and Numida meleagris.

Divergence time estimation

The program MCMCTREE program, implemented in PAML package, was used to estimate divergence time for all species . MCMCTree performs Bayesian estimation of species divergence times usingsoft fossil constraints .The HKY85 model (model=4) and independent rates molecular clock (clock=2) were used for calculation.The MCMC process of MCMCTREE was performed with the samples 1,000,000 times, with a sample frequency setting of 2, after a burnin of 200,000.The program uses for input a sequence alignment , a phylogenetic tree with fossil calibrations, and a control file (usuallycalled mcmctree.ctl).

Figure:Estimation of divergence time.

Expansion and contraction of gene families

We used CAFE (Computational Analysis of gene Family Evolution) for the statistical analysis of the evolution of the size of gene families. For a specified phylogenetic tree, and given the gene family sizes in the extant species, CAFE can estimate the global birth and death rate of gene families, infer the most likely gene family size at all internal nodes, identify gene families that have accelerated rates of gain and loss (quantified by a p-value) and identify which branches cause the p-value to be small for significant families.

Figure:The proportion of gene families expansion and contraction.
Expansion and contraction gene families statistics.
BranchBranch Lengthn Expansions Contractions Extinctions No ChangeAvg. Exp.
Families Genes Gene Gain/Family Families Genes Gene Loss/Family Families Genes ene Extinct/Family
Mgal 33 11,497 542 683 1.26015 574 589 1.02613 432 435 1.00694 10813 0.00776282
Ggal 33 11,481 383 607 1.58486 538 545 1.01301 448 452 1.00893 11008 0.00512016
Ggal|Mgal 33 11,929 121 157 1.29752 96 97 1.01042 70 70 1 11782 0.00495499
Nme 66 10,750 144 200 1.38889 1629 1797 1.10313 1249 1335 1.06886 10226 -0.131885
Nme|Ggal,Mgal 3 v11,999 2 2 1 115 115 1 110110 1 11992 -0.0093319
Apla 69 11,060 277 640 2.31047 1245 1287 1.033731049 1065 1.01525 10587 -0.0534313
Apla|Nme,Ggal,Mgal 33 12,109 7 13 1.85714 35 38 1.08571 0 0 #NAME? 12067 -0.00206458
Tgut 44 11,015 604 731 1.21026 1267 1288 1.01657 1094 1100 1.00548 10238 -0.0459988
Falb 44 11,740 149 194 1.30201 432 441 1.02083 369 372 1.00813 11528 -0.0203981
Falb|Tgut 59 12,109 36 46 1.27778 115 138 1.2 0 0 #NAME? 11958 -0.00759765

4dtv distance distribution calculation

Using mcsan to find a pair of collinear genes, calculate the 4dtv distance of collinear gene pairs to make a distribution map.

Figure:Whole-Genome Duplication Event in Numida meleagris. Diagram shows the own 4dTv distribution of Numida meleagris., and the tempoal relationship of Whole-Genome Duplication Event between Anas platyrhynchos, Gallus gallus, Meleagris gallopavo, Taeniopygia guttata, Ficedula albicollis.

Figure:Whole-Genome Duplication Event in Numida meleagris. Diagram shows the own 4dTv distribution of Anas platyrhynchos, Gallus gallus, Meleagris gallopavo, Taeniopygia guttata, Ficedula albicollis.

Ks distribution calculation

To find the Tandem duplicated gene family according to BLASTP results (the intergene insertion number is less than 20). Perform MUSCLE to comparison the sequence of each gene family, then use yn00 in PAML to calculate the Ks value between the sequences and remove the Ks value greater than 2. Taking the median or the mean to represent the Ks value of each copy of the gene family. Add the Ks value for the interval which increment is 0.5 units.

Figure:Analyse Ks distribution of Numida meleagris.